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Get the

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR

Remarket Your Audience with the Power of Email Marketing

Join Smart Email Marketing Service To Drive Your Buisness

How Email Marketing Service helps you in your business?

Email marketing service helps you to increase your brand awareness by getting your email messages into the inboxes of customers. It is a highly effective Digital Marketing strategy of sending Emails to prospects and customers. The more consistent your communication is together with your email subscribers, the more likely they are going to consider your business once they are trying to find your services or products. That’s why we at Yourdishell always tries to give the best email marketing service in Delhi-NCR.

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR

Maximize the workflow and result with experienced Email Marketers.

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR

Procedure & STEPS followed by YOURDISHELL

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR
Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR

Email Marketing Strategy

Our company will make the best strategy by understanding your business and its requirements. We will research and refine the audience for targeting. Then, we will make attractive content that can be shared via email to the customers or clients.

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR

Lead Magnets

We will create a technique to develop your email list. This normally consists of making offers, that forces people to supply you with their email address in exchange for something useful. samples of lead magnets include free guides, e-book,and far more.

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR


We will implement call-to-actions on your website to market your lead magnets. This may convert your website traffic into email subscribers. Typical website call-to-actions include floating headers, website pop-up forms, sidebar forms, and more.

Advertising Campaigns

You have to advertise your lead magnets. For this purpose, you have to take our help in social media marketing and PPC. By running campaigns and ads, we will drive traffic to the landing page and create pop up email subscriptions for lead generation.

Email Marketing Software

Our clients are going to be ready to use our email marketing software. Our staff will assist you to select and implement email marketing software to receive leads and send emails. If you've got a preferred email marketing software, we will also integrate it.

Email Newsletters

Our expert team of email marketing will design newsletters that reflect your business. The emails we develop will use best-practices for email open rates, click-through-rates, and conversions. The content of emails include relevant blogs and more.

Email List maintenance

Our company will perform routine list maintenance. It's important to get rid of non-engaged subscribers from your email list. we will make sure that you will not get into a nasty list, so that you'll not find yourself in spam. We'll monitor your engagement on an ongoing basis

Email Marketing Reporting

Our company will send monthly performance reports of email marketing service. The things we consider for our clients are engaging subscribers and open-rates. Our main aim is to increase brand awareness & sales ratio.

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR

Importance of Email Marketing Service?

We all know about what is email marketing, but have not gotten into that, why Email marketing is so vital for our business.

Despite the increase in social media and unsolicited spam mails (the bad practice of marketing strategy), email remains the foremost effective way to turn leads into customers.

Do You Know

9 billion population use email applications

91% of consumers check their email on a day today

86% of consumers would really like to receive promotional emails from companies they are doing business with.

 1/3 of consumers have purchased products and services from email marketing.

For every $1 spent in email marketing, the typical return on investment is $44.

How Email Marketing can help in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Drive Qualified Traffic to your Website: One of the foremost obvious benefits of an email campaign is that it can drive traffic to your website. But the stress here should get on qualified traffic or visitors who are likely to convert after they arrive. So, you need a targeted audience who can drive good quality traffic to your website.

Improve On-Site Engagement: There is another advantage of driving qualified traffic to your website that email can attract customers or clients and they are likely to spend more time on your website with the piece of content you provided to them. So, the content of Email Marketing is much more important to gather the attraction of a client or customer, which can help us to convert them.

Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR

Why choose Yourdigishell for Email Marketing services in Delhi/Ghaziabad for your Business Growth?

We were founded on Email marketing services over 5 years ago, and by that experience we know how to form an email that can look attractive and gather all the attention of potential clients or customers.

In the process of choosing the best company for your email marketing service, you must have to build trust factor also, because they are the one whom you are giving money for work. YOURDIGISHELL’s experts can provide 100% customer satisfaction, have delivered many projects and also gained reputation.

Yourdigishell provides the Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR. We keep no secrets and maintain transparency. Our motto is customer satisfaction only. We believe in Building Relationships, not Links.

We provide transparent and fair pricing regardless of the size and difficulty of your project. Our versatile interaction model and customer oriented strategy seek to provide optimum value for investment to our customers and ensure increased ROI.

Important reasons for making your Email Marketing strategy into priorities

1. Remarketing

It is the number 1 channel for communicating with customers. Did you believe or know that at least 99% of customers check their Emails on a daily basis? Sending Newsletter to your audience is a best technique to remarket your audience.

2. Permanent Connection with Audience

You are having your own list of your fans or customers on any social media platform, your account along with your posts and fans might be suspended any time (If you violate any rules, that’s why you should hire the Best Social Media Company for this purpose). However, your own email lists, no one can take those from you.

3. Better Conversion

Email just coverts customers better. People who purchase products marketed through email spend 138% quit less than those who do not receive email offers. In fact, Email Marketing has an ROI of 4400%. This is huge!

4. Build Strong Relationships

If you would like to create strong customer relationships, it’s important to possess an efficient tool to speak with people that matter most to your business. Email marketing service gives you the power to remain top-of-mind and keep people engaged together with your business.

5. Improve communications 

If your business depends on the communication with your customers, then you must trust the best Best Email Marketing Service in Delhi-NCR.

6. Build your brand

With Email marketing, you can strengthen brand recognition with new and potential customers or clients, and extend your reach when it will be forwarded or shared by them.

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